
Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Day 2: Software Preparation

Linux Smiled On Us

  • The screen is crystal clear: no banding, no black bars.
  • The audio card works without recompiling the kernel.
  • HDMI is broadcasting audio and video properly.
  • WIFI attached at 5GHz.

First, I took an inventory last night after the little one went to sleep.  The following software is already installed and available.  After this list, I will show the questions and options resulting from that list and what I plan on installing with her during our session this afternoon.

Preinstalled with Raspberry Pi 4B Desktop Kit:

Operating SystemRaspberry Pi OSLinux FTW.
Java IDEGreenfootA classroom-based IDE.
JVMOpenJDK 11Fantastic choice, avoiding Oracle licensing woes.
Text Editorvi, nano, etc.Forcing a 9-year old to use vi sounds unfair.
BrowserChromiumGood enough.
Revision ControlGit 2.2So happy.
Image EditorNoneNone
Audio EditorNoneNone

Changes We Will Make (and Why):

Operating SystemRaspberry Pi OSShe uses iOS and Windows at school. Enough tyranny.
Java IDEEclipse/STSFor native Git integration and Maven support.
JVMOpenJDK 11Fantastic choice, avoiding Oracle licensing woes.
Text EditorSublimeTextFree editor that enforces mindfulness (no printing).
BrowserChromiumThis doesn't matter much. In our code, we will be using pure DOM implementation jars for container tests.
Revision ControlGit 2.2Seriously happy. We have a NAS securely hosting Git.
Image EditorGIMPThere is no other.
Audio EditorAudacityAbsolutely fantastic. Go open-source or go home.

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